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- 6x9 Hardcover with Dust Jacket
- 672 Cream colored pages
- Foil Stamped Cover
- Red Ribbon Marker
- Designed Endpapers
THE LAW is called Torah in Hebrew. It does not mean “law” in the modern sense. Rather, it means “instruction” and “teaching.”
In every synagogue around the world, a weekly Torah portion is read on the Sabbath. The Apostles encouraged disciples who were not Jewish to follow these readings (Acts 15:21). Every Christian needs to study the Torah in order to understand the message of the Bible and who Jesus really is.
For twelve years, Bible teacher Lars Enarson has worked on a commentary on the weekly Torah portion. The result is a one-year Bible course. In one year, this commentary will give you a thorough foundation in the very part of the Bible that many Christians know so little about, yet which makes up the foundation for all Scriptural revelation. “The LORD spoke to Moses and said” is the most common phrase in the Bible!
Many commentaries are filled with a great abundance of knowledge. The goal of this commentary, however, is discipleship to Jesus. Messiah in the Torah is therefore focused on two primary things: the centrality of Messiah and practical discipleship to Him in everything.

This commentary also serves as the textbooks for the Daily Bread Torah Class: Live from Israel with Bible teachers Lars & John Enarson. The double volume set totals 1,300 pages of commentary, covering every weekly Torah portion – plus five annual Festivals.
- Foreword
- Introduction: Why Should Christians Study the Torah?
- Blessings
- Torah Portions Overview
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Leviticus 1–15
- VOLUME II [Forthcoming]
- Leviticus 16–27
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
- Pesach / “Passover”
- Shavuot / “Feast of Weeks”
- Rosh HaShanah / “Feast of Trumpets”
- Yom Kippur / “Day of Atonemnet”
- Sukkot / “Feast of Tabernacles”

LARS ENARSON is an author, prolific Bible teacher, international prayer leader, and has been in full time ministry since the early 1970s. His passion is to see a restoration in our day of the original, apostolic gospel from Jerusalem. Lars resides in Israel with his family, where he produces TV-programs and Prayer Alerts, with prophetic insights, reports, and specific prayer points about the present situation in the Middle East.
Messiah in the Torah: Vol I (Gen 1–Lev 15) Premium Edition: Weekly Bible Commentaries by Lars Enarson
ISBN: 979-8-9897241-8-5