When Messiah Comes: The Return of Jesus and the Coming Age - Lars Enarson
When Messiah Comes: The Return of Jesus and the Coming Age - Lars Enarson
When Messiah Comes: The Return of Jesus and the Coming Age - Lars Enarson

When Messiah Comes: The Return of Jesus and the Coming Age - Lars Enarson

Regular price $15.00


“The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he shall reign forever and ever!” — Revelation 11:15

It is time to restore the Biblical hope that caused the believers in the Early Church to preach the Good News to the ends of the earth in the face of death and persecution.

How real is this hope in you? The Bible says that we should eagerly look forward to the Day of the Lord, when Messiah comes and the earth literally will be born again and filled with the glory of God. This book will increase your understanding and make you excited about the return of Messiah!

94 Pages
ISBN 978–1–7356404–9–5 
Published by Ariel Media, 2023


Lars Enarson is an author, prolific Bible teacher, international prayer leader, and has been in full time ministry since the early 1970s. His passion is to see a restoration in our day of the original, apostolic gospel from Jerusalem. Lars resides with his wife and family in Israel. For more info, visit larsenarson.com
