The Joy of the Whole Earth: Jerusalem and the Future of the World - by Lars Enarson
The Joy of the Whole Earth: Jerusalem and the Future of the World - by Lars Enarson
The Joy of the Whole Earth: Jerusalem and the Future of the World - by Lars Enarson
The Joy of the Whole Earth: Jerusalem and the Future of the World - by Lars Enarson

The Joy of the Whole Earth: Jerusalem and the Future of the World - by Lars Enarson

Regular price $24.50


Where Heaven meets Earth

Jerusalem is the epicenter of God's plan for mankind, from the Garden of Eden to Paradise. Why?

Lars Enarson challenges conventional paradigms, and shifts the focal point of Christian thinking for anyone willing to be confronted by the message of the Bible. He explains from the breadth of Scripture why Jerusalem should be our highest joy.

The Bible calls Jerusalem God’s own city. It is the place where heaven and earth meet. This book not only covers the exciting history of Jerusalem all the way back to the Garden of Eden. Most of all, The Joy of the Whole Earth points forward to the magnificent future of Jerusalem, the city that will one day shine with the glory of God, as the capital of the world.

Jerusalem has been coveted by practically every world power throughout history. Lars Enarson explains why this unique city is the center of the universe, and why every square inch of it will remain the focus of international conflict to the very end.

The famous promise of hope for mankind was originally proclaimed in Jerusalem, “They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.”-Isaiah 2:4

The United Nations Headquarters in New York City claim this promise, but it is only from Jerusalem that it will be realized. Ironically, peace seems more elusive here than anywhere, but Jerusalem is the only city that holds the key to peace on earth.

In this highly current and significant book, Lars Enarson challenges conventional paradigms, and shifts the focal point of Christian thinking for anyone willing to be confronted by the message of the Bible. Explore Jerusalem’s history and destiny, from Eden, to Golgotha, to Paradise!

Lars Enarson, a native of Sweden, is the founder and president of The Watchman International, a ministry dedicated to “preparing the way for Messiah, from the ends of the earth to Jerusalem.” A major part of its ministry is The Elijah Prayer Army, a worldwide network of prayer for Israel and the Middle East.

Lars has been in full-time ministry since the early 1970s. He is the author of several books and a Bible teacher who travels extensively throughout the world. His passion is to see a restoration in our day of the original, apostolic gospel from Jerusalem.

Lars resides with his wife in Israel, where he produces the TV-program On the Walls of Jerusalem and a Video Prayer Alert, with prophetic insights, reports, and specific prayer points about the present situation in the Middle East. For more information, visit his web site

- Publisher: Ariel Media, an imprint of The Watchman International
- Author: Lars Enarson
- 268 pages
- 6 x 9 in
- Hardcover with Dust Jacket
- 7 Maps & Illustrations (b&w)
- ISBN: 978-0-9763217-2-9
